Rising costs of heating
Over the last few years heating and keep warm has been repeatedly in the headlines and on the news as people struggle to afford heating their homes and workplaces. Many of those people have been looking for alternative ways to keep warm, such as buying thermal underwear, insulating their homes with loft insulation, new windows and turning down the flow temperature on their boilers.
Workplace solutions
Energy costs have also had a huge effect on businesses, and this has led to an increase in costs for their customers. Many companies have been looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption and therefore costs. From changing equipment which uses much less energy, for example moving from standard or energy saving lightbulbs to LEDs, converting to electric vehicles, or reducing operating hours.
Turning down the temperature
One of the solutions our customers have been look at is providing warmer workwear for staff so that they can turn the heating down. This can be a range of items such as fleeces, hoodies, sweatshirts, gilets, or maybe a thermal work jacket. They often add their branding to these items as a print or embroidery.
Thermal Explained
Thermal clothing is designed to keep the warmth of your body in, removing any moisture such as sweat, whilst keeping the cold out. Good thermal clothing should be lightweight, comfortable to wear and should have the capability to insulate and regulate the temperature of the body.

Solutions for your workplace
If you are looking to source warm workwear and thermal work jackets, we have a large range to choose from, click here. We can select items that we think will be most suitable for your organisation and provide samples for you to try. If you would like help with this, please contact us here or call on 01908 290482